The new terminal project at Barkley Airport is a foundational and transformational project for the airport, Paducah and all of far Western Kentucky. It is the culmination of decades of work and years of planning. Not only will this new modern, open, and efficient terminal replace the one we’ve called home for 67 years. It will enable us to provide a better, easier and more enjoyable travel experience for everyone flying in and out of Barkley Regional Airport.
Designed with showcasing our region in mind, the terminal will also serve as an attractive “front door” for anyone coming to our region, demonstrating and representing what we have to offer to businesses and visitors alike. It will feature modern, up-to-date styling and have many amenities today’s airline passengers have come to expect, while reflecting the people, places and materials found in this place we call home. In addition, we anticipate that it will be a catalyst for economic development and growth for the airport, and our area as well; fully putting the “Regional” back into Barkley Regional Airport.
Feel free to visit these pages often for updates and information as it becomes available, and as time moves on, because we want you to have a vested interest in, and support for YOUR airport.
Rough Timeline (subject to change)
Summer/Fall 2020-spring 2022 — Site preparation, utilities routing to site, access road and aircraft apron construction.
Spring 2021 — Terminal Building Design Completed
Fall 2021— Winter 2022 Terminal Building Construction
Summer/Winter 2022 — Additional Site Development -Parking lots, other needs. Landscaping, terminal interior completion, finishing touches
June 2023 — Terminal Opens